
Canhigh Group

坤和,取自《易经》之“天行健,君子以自强不息;地势坤,君子以厚德载物”。 “Canhigh”由“can ”和“high”组合而成,引意为“I Can Fly Higher”。



Canhigh is inspired from a line in The Book of Changes, "As heaven maintains vigor through movements, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-perfection. As earth's condition is receptive devotion, a gentleman should hold the outer world with broad mind." “Canhigh” is a combination of “can” and “high”, which means “I Can Fly Higher”.

Canhigh Estate Group Co.,Ltd., formerly known as Hangzhou Longxin Property Development Co., Ltd., was founded in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on June 19, 1995. On August 19, 1998, it was officially named Hangzhou Canhigh Housing Construction Co., Ltd. 

Canhigh Estate Group Co,Ltd., is a modern professional real estate company mainly engaged in real estate investment and development, property management and supplemented by real estate financial services. By far, the company has accumulated investment and development area of more than 15 million square meters, providing more than 100,000 residents and businesses with quality living, business and learning places. Canhigh Group is the creator of more than one million square classic residence, as well as an operator of urban landmark complex.
